Petchey Academy
Services_Building Acoustics
Building Services & Environmental Design
Lighting Design
Petchey Academy University Gateway
The Petchey Academy University Gateway Project involved the redevelopment of a covered car park to create a new learning resource centre. The project was challenging acoustically, as its demise was located directly below the existing sports hall and impact noise was audible from above.
OR Consulting Engineers acted as environmental design engineers, acoustic consultants and lighting designers and were responsible for the design of:
• Reverse cycle heat pump installation providing space heating and cooling.
• Heat recovery ventilation, drastically reducing fresh air ventilation in winter.
• The thermal performance of the new building fabric.
• The optimisation of daylighting.
• The design of low energy lighting and controls.
• The acoustic ceiling construction reducing direct and indirect sound transmission from above.
• The design of partition details to reduce sound transmission between spaces.
• The introduction of acoustic absorber to reduce the reverberant sound transmission within the spaces.
• All building services and ICT installations.
Selected Selected Education Projects
Petchey Welcome
Petchey Academy
Condé Nast College of Fashion
Condé Nast
Bean Learning Resource Centre
Brentwood School
Fairley House School – Master Plan Projects
Fairley House School