London Borough of Camden
Designer_Sarah Wigglesworth Architects
Services_Building Acoustics
Building Services & Environmental Design
Lighting Design
Parliament Hill School
OR Consulting were appointed as environmental engineers, lighting designers and acoustic consultants for the fast track, phased refurbishment of the historic Morant Building at Parliament Hill School.
We tailored our engineering designs to preserve the historic features of the building and create a more contemporary feel for the refurbished spaces.
The phased refurbishment works included:
- The refurbishment of the Art Department.
- The creation of new music classrooms.
- The creation of a new Learning Resource Centre.
- The refurbishment of 20 general teaching spaces.
- The creation of a new photography studio and darkroom facility.
Our engineering strategies included:
- The design of low energy, architectural and specialist lighting.
- The adoption of passive cooling and natural ventilation techniques;
- The phased upgrade of heating systems.
- The upgrade of fire detection and fire engineering installations.
- The upgrade of acoustic environment to satisfy the requirements of Building Bulletin 93.