Designer_Robin Lee Architecture
Services_Building Services
Lighting Design
Sector_Community Residential
Black House Farm
OR Consulting acted as environmental engineers for the low-carbon restoration of a Grade II Eco House and threshing barn and the construction of an eco house annex.
The environmental strategy was developed to optimise the performance of these unique constructions and the service installations within them.
The environmental design strategy included:
- The super-insulation of the extension building.
- The introduction of high performance glazing to optimise daylighting and minimise solar gains.
- The adoption of heat pump technology to provide heating throughout the extension.
- The design of remote energy centre to minimise the impact of plant of the site.
- The design and co-ordination of local fuel storage to serve a high efficiency condensing boiler installation providing hot water and heating to the existing farmhouse.
- The provision of standby generation to overcome mains power cuts.
- The installation of low energy, architectural lighting with associated controls.